Castagnari Jilly

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Castagnari Jilly (Maple)
Castagnari Jilly (Cherry)
Castagnari Jilly (Cherry)
Castagnari Jilly (Padouk)
Castagnari Jilly (Padouk)
Castagnari Jilly Logo
Castagnari Jilly Logo
Jilly DG Layout 4th Button Start
Jilly DG Layout 4th Button Start
Jilly DG Anahata Layout
Jilly DG Anahata Layout

The Jilly was specially commissioned by Acorn Instruments and features the Castagnari approved logo under the keyboard.

It is a full sized instrument 2 voice with Tipo a Mano reeds, there is a bass stop to remove the thirds as standard.

This is a special instrument with the ability to play softly and with high volume as required but also with subtle undertones.

Right Hand
Rows: 2
Buttons: 21
Reeds: 2 - Tipo A Mano (Hand Made Type)
Left Hand
Buttons: 8
Reeds: 3 - Tipo A Mano (Hand Made Type)
Registers: 1 stop register
Weight: 3.5Kg

Options Available


GC Cherry

Cherry Awaiting delivery
Bass stop fitted
12 Months Warranty
Hard Case
2 pairs of buckle protectors included

No Image Sold

No Image Sold

GC Maple

Maple In stock
12 Months Warranty
Hard Case
2 pairs of buckle protectors included

DG Cherry

Cherry In stock
Bass stop fitted
12 Months Warranty
Hard Case
2 pairs of buckle protectors included

DG Maple

Maple In stock
Bass stop fitted
12 Months Warranty
Hard Case
2 pairs of buckle protectors included

DG Cherry

Cherry Available to order
Bass stop fitted
Anahata Layout
12 Months Warranty
Hard Case
2 pairs of buckle protectors included